BWB Madzi Newsletter :: The Issue No. 3 newsletter is out. Check it out October 8, 2024      
BWB Madzi Newsletter :: The Issue No. 3 newsletter is out. Check it out October 8, 2024      

Board-Funded Projects

The Board under its Technical Service Department has a section which deals with planning and implementation of locally funded projects and some externally funded ones. The locally funded projects are categorized into two major sub-categories, namely Board –funded and Developer funded. All these projects are designed and executed through the Projects section of the Board. The projects may take various forms ranging from water reticulation, building to civil engineering works.

Extension of pipelines

Upon successful assessment of water needs in unserved areas, the Board sets aside funds to install new water supply systems to address the situation. The drive to respond to such needs may either come from the potential beneficiaries or from normal routine demand assessments carried by the Board.

Replacement of pipelines

Where the Board assesses and finds that a particular pipeline has lived its design life such that it frequently bursts, plans are set immediately to replace the pipeline with a new one in order to prevent loss of water.

Re-routing of pipelines

It is sometimes discovered that some of the pipelines were laid in areas where according to plans were intended for roads and plots, or as a result of re-demarcation of lands, the existing pipeline was found to fall within the intended development. Blantyre Water Board has always been requested to relocate such pipelines to pave way for the intended development. Depending on circumstances, the cost of relocation is either born by the Board or the owner of the intended development.

Lowering of pipelines

When pipelines are found to have been exposed by soil erosion effects, and where any intended construction works appear to affect the integrity of the pipeline because it is close to ground surface, the Board is mandated to lower the pipeline section in order to protect it from adverse conditions that can compromise its normal working life. Just like the re-routing case, the cost may either be carried by the Board or the owner of the intended development.

Construction and Renovation of civil and building structures

The Board also carries out various construction and renovation works every year. These include construction and renovation of offices, construction of water kiosks and other building and civil engineering works within its scope.
Note: To carry out these works, the Board through the Projects section uses the services of contractors and temporary labourers depending on scale plus expertise required.