Water Interruption Notice :: Dear Customer, BWB will on Thursday 4th July 2024 carry out emergency pump repair works at Walker's Ferry which will affect availability of water. July 3, 2024      

Blantyre Water and Sanitation Project Funded by the World Bank

Project Components

Component 1 - Water supply improvements (US$ 73 million equivalent of which US$ 71.2 million is IDA financing and US$ 1.8 million counterpart financing).

Under this component, the project will finance investments to improve water production, stabilize and improve network operational efficiency, reduce water losses, increase energy efficiency, improve water supply service quality, and expand water access to unserved areas, thereby lowering Green House Gases (GHG) emissions, increasing energy efficiency, and boosting water access.
Key interventions include :-
i. Rehabilitation and upgrade of Mudi intake and water treatment plant to strengthen the resilience of the water supply system with an alternative source of water during water interruptions caused by frequent floods and siltation along the Shire River
ii. priority water supply transmission network upgrade – 20.54km of transmission pipeline from Chileka to Blantyre and four associated reservoirs with a combined capacity of 40,000m3 to increase the storage capacity and BWB drought resilience, and eight solar-powered boosters to improve energy efficiency and enhance infrastructural climate resilience
iii. distribution network upgrade with around 266.18 km pipe replacement and upgrade pressure management systems to recover water leaks, thus reducing water wastage and improving water availability to serve more people
iv. distribution network expansion in selected zones, including 60 smart water kiosks. Under this component, the project will also finance the Technical Assistance (TA) activities required to design and implement the water supply improvement, including consultancy services for engineering designs, procurement, supervision, and related safeguards implementation for water infrastructure planned under the Project.

Other Project Components

Component 2 - Priority Sanitation Investments
Component 3 - Institutional Capacity Strengthening
Component 4 - Technical Assistance and Project Management Support
Component 5 - Contingency Emergency Response