Blantyre Water and Sanitation Project Funded by the World Bank
Project Components
Component 3 - Institutional Capacity Strengthening (US$ 21.0 million equivalent, of which 20.65 million is IDA financing and US$ 0.35 counterpart financing)
This component will finance a set of institutional development activities aimed at :-
i. enhancing BWB's financial efficiency and governance systems
ii. improving BCC's capacity to manage sanitation services
iii. supporting the water sector investment planning and policy development to enhance the sustainability of urban water services.
BWB developed a five-year institutional capacity-development action plan to modernize and turn around its operations. The investments under the plan are estimated at US$23.5 million, and the project will contribute US$ 15 million, financed through a performance-based mechanism to incentivize improvements in :-
i. staff efficiency through performance management systems, cost reduction, strategy, and capacity-building activities for women’s empowerment and participation in decision making roles and promotion of internship opportunities for female graduates
ii. investment in innovative solutions for enhancing climate resilience, asset management and operations including water treatment works
iii. customer services improvements.
For BCC, the project will finance :-
i. the development and update of policies, by-laws, and key guiding institutional documents/plans
ii. training, equipment, and capacity development in sewerage and solid waste operations and financing, including business planning and support to the private sector and waste pickers in waste re-use and recycling
iii. priority equipment and operational tools
iv. a roadmap and the financial analysis for establishing a sanitation revenue stream and transfer of sewerage services to BWB
v. implementation of stakeholder engagement activities.
Under the sector ministry financing :-
i. The project will finance a set of policy and planning instruments, including the feasibility assessments and engineering design of priority infrastructure investments for selected Boards, training, and equipment to enhance the sector coordination and technical support to the water boards.
ii. The project will also support the development of a sector regulatory function and the establishment of a ring-fenced water tariff framework.
iii. Further, the project will support stakeholder engagements through the sanitation task force to facilitate the sewerage transfer dialogue and ensure the financial sustainability of sewerage services.
iv. The project will also support awareness raising and training to improve water resource management, the integration of data monitoring and early warning systems of climate risks such as droughts and floods, will stand to accrue adaptation benefits.
Other Project Components
Component 1 - Water Supply Improvement
Component 2 - Priority Sanitation Investments
Component 4 - Technical Assistance and Project Management Support
Component 5 - Contingency Emergency Response